Sunday, 16 July 2017

HS3 Station design and access

There's no point in high speed travel if it takes an age to board. So how do we access different types of station: parkway on the outskirts of a city, underground for mega populations, and those conurbations served by connecting loops? I don't think many terminals will be built because there's little available space. 

High Speed Trains usually connect city centres, unlike most airports, so they have a huge advantage. London St Pancras is a good design, with many transport links, checking in beneath the trains, and multiple platform access points.

Hub-Bugs make sense for quick journeys with luggage: car park to platform, station to airport, any combination really. However, their use underground would require detailed infrastructure design perhaps using lifts. They are perfect for less able passengers. 

When it comes to cycles, either design in real capacity [at the expense of seating] or make it clear only bikes that can fold to become hand luggage are accepted. Tokenism merely frustrates everybody.

The Bronchs would make a huge difference, but that's another story. 

Here's to quality access.